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Otto Rut (1910-2005)

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Otto Rut (1910-2005)

Born in Vienna, Austria,in 1910, Otto Rut began his 60 year career as an artist at age 22 when he studied with Viennese masters at the Döebling School of Arts. He immigrated to Canada in 1950, where he began to sell his works of art by referrals, mainly within Peterborough and Kingston, Ontario. As his success grew, he exhibited his collections throughout Ontario, including one at the Ottawa City Hall, where one of his paintings continues to be displayed.

He took his retirement in 1985, at age 75, but continued to add 3-5 paintings to his collection, well into his 80’s. He passed away in January 2005, at the ripe old age of 94,leaving behind a legacy of stunning works of art.

Otto Rut (1910-2005) CV (PDF) Otto Rut (1910-2005) CV (PDF) Download Image

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