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Art Appraisals

Koyman Galleries offers a simple straight forward art appraisal service.

With over 50 years of experience in Canadian Art Sales, we have the know how and the expert to help you answer the question:

How much is your art worth?

Why do you need an art appraisal?

  • Selling some of your art collection.
  • Probate requirements.
  • Downsizing.
  • Estate considerations.
  • Preparing a will.
  • Insurance needs.
  • Charitable donations values.
  • Or you just want to know how much your art is worth.

With three simple steps your evaluation will be handled by our experts who will review their comprehensive database, and scour the art auction houses of the world as well as connect with their network of art consultants, this will provide a thorough insight into the current values in today’s marketplace.

You will receive a digital art valuation report and with it any information we find about the artist, biographies, articles etc.

Step one: Provide a few details, measurement of image, signatures, certificates, bill of original sale and photos of your item

Step two: Give us your information ($150 appraisal fee per appraisal)

Step three: Receive your valuation


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